Sunday, February 4, 2018

Party Pink

Whoops, I meant to get this post up yesterday. Er, well anyway, I finally got around to doing photoshoots in some of my designs, so here's the first one.
Starting with my 'Party Pink' set because why not.
I could've stuck with just the designer items, but for this outfit I decided to add some Marble Lily gloves and tights, an April Bonbon head bow, and a pair of Kanokoi earrings to complete the look.
So this look is just a big mesh of styles.
I love these earrings.
I stand by all of the other additions, but kinda feel like I should've gone without the tights.
So shiny.
Finishing this shoot in style.
Attempting to start the genie invasion again. No biters yet.
I find it amusing that we get both actual NPCs and random cardboard cutout people in the backgrounds.
Who will my first victim be this time?
Somehow ended up with two different pictures of this pose. They're just different enough that I might as well post both.
To finish things off, here's the outfit and its individual pieces on Design Centre.

That's all for now.

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