Sunday, February 4, 2018

Snow Flower

Since the last post was supposed to go up yesterday, you guys are gonna get a second one again today. Two double post days in a week? Wow, what's wrong with me?
Sticking with today's theme, here's another designer set.
This time it's the 'Snow Flower' set.
I'm quite fond of this set.
I feel like the bow really completes the look.
I also would've liked to wear a necklace of some sort, but apparently you can't anymore with the designer dresses? Oh well.
Matching my boutique's exterior pretty well.
Yeah, the bow was definitely a good choice.
Almost showing cleavage.
Somehow ending the same way as the last post.
And of course, here's the outfit and its individual pieces, which you can download on Design Centre.

That's all for today, I think.


  1. Love how the hair colour complements the dress! The shoes are gorgeous.

    1. Yeah, I thought white hair would be a good idea for this one. And thanks! I don't usually like how the lace pattern looks on the shoes, but I think it works quite well here.

    2. The lace pattern only seems to look good on certain items, but you made it look great with this colour scheme!

  2. Making up for lost time? :P
    I really love this one! When I saw the first image I immediately thought "snow princess." But when you moved away from a snowy background it started to feel like Alice didn't belong, haha.

    1. I suppose, yeah :P I don't keep a real posting schedule because I know from experience that that doesn't really work for me, but I like to post as often as I can.

      Yeah, that's definitely the look I was going for! Good to hear that you like it so much :)
