Thursday, February 22, 2018

Alina's Debut: Twinkle Fantasia

Another one of these already? Yup! Previous posts here, if you haven't seen them, but want to.
Alina takes the stage!
So, I hadn't seen any videos, but I had seen some pictures of this performance, and I based Alina's outfit around what I saw.
My goal was to make her outfit match the backdrop, color-wise. I did this with Yolanda's debut as well. I'd seen pictures of her debut stage with purple lighting, so I picked a purple top and then used that as the base for the outfit.
I think it worked out well, especially with our dear Alinatron.
I find it interesting that this is a music video, when all of the rest are live performances.
It's too bad that you don't unlock this as a backdrop at the photo studio like you do with all most of the live stages.

Here are your song links, as per usual: japanese, english (er, sort of), full version. And now it's time for the weekly Shopdo update! No cosplay this week, unfortunately.
I've switched back to my 'Colorful & Fun' shop interior, as you can see.
Obligatory babydoll outfit. I always thought this set looked very idol-ish. It's too bad it doesn't come in yellow, to go with the pink and blue versions...
Thought I'd go for something different and put up a boho-chic outfit this week. I really like these new tops, and this skirt is really nice too. A lot of Soy's new items have been surprisingly good, actually. Retrobeat too.
I'm great with names, as per usual...

That's all for today. I'll try and get another post up tomorrow.

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