Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Queen Bee

Alright, one more designer set.
This time around it's the 'Queen Bee' stage costume.
I'm using the stage backdrops for photoshoots in the stage costumes. Seems fitting.
I love that all (or most) of the stages are available as backdrops, btw.
I've also traded out my twintails for a side ponytail.
Initially this was my least favorite of the stage costumes (referring to the base sets) but it's growing on me. Rosie's set it still my favorite, though.

These are the 'White Christmas' nails.
Somehow I ended up with three different hand-on-hip pictures. Oh well. Why does the game have so many variations of that pose, anyway?
El Psy Congroo-ing it up on stage.
End of the photoshoot.
Time for the obligatory around town pics.
Slightly awkward mid-clap pose. Also, double schoolgirls in the background. That's fun.
Practicing my dance moves in the middle of town.
Why? Because I can.
Side view of some of the weird cardboard cutout people in the back. Interesting.
And here's the outfit on Design Centre. I've only got the full set up right now, but if anyone wants me to post the individual pieces as well, I can.

Alright, that's it for now. Don't want too many of these in a row, so next post will be something different.

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